Katy Perry credits Transcendental Meditation with getting her through tough times

Speaking with Ryan Seacrest, Perry admits that her songs are controversial. “All of my songs are, actually,” Perry declared. “I’m a polarizing figure.”

Perry also said that she’s turned to spirituality to get her through tough times in her life. For the last 15 years, she’s practiced transcendental meditation.

Perry is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold over 143 million units worldwide. She is known for her influence on pop music and her camp style, being dubbed the “Queen of Camp” by Vogue and Rolling Stone. With an estimated net worth of $500 million, Perry is one of the world’s wealthiest musicians.

“Presidents, Fortune 500 people, all kinds of leaders, this is their number one tool,” Perry said. She said that her upcoming album 143 is representative of her angel numbers. “It shows up anytime … I need a little confirmation or a sign from my highest guide or angel. It’s my angel number because I was going through a tough time, a medical situation with my family. I was getting really, really anxious, and I needed something.”

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