Retreats involve gentle yoga postures, a simple breathing technique and a session of Transcendental Meditation, repeated in cycles — resulting in reduction of stress, more energy, happiness and health.

Online Courses
Online courses vary between a relaxing half day, which gives a relaxing taster to what a retreat offers. Online courses vary in length with our 2 and 3 day option being a popular choice.

Day Courses
Visit the Dome and immerse yourself in a full day of rest and relaxation balanced with extra meditation and gained knowledge. Freshly cooked lunch is always included.

Advanced Courses
Advance your Transcendental Meditation by learning an Advanced Technique or progressing to the TM Sidhi programme. Both can be booked at the Maharishi Dome.
Enjoying Retreats and Courses in the Maharishi Dome
Course Leaders
The Mother Divine programme is a permanent peace-creating group of women from around the world dedicated to realizing their full spiritual potential while enlivening peace through the nourishing power and bliss created by the extended group practice of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes.
There are a number of Mother Divine groups in different locations around the world, including here in the UK.
"The profession of Purusha is an all-time enjoyment of bliss, freedom, self-sufficiency, invincibility, and spontaneous radiation of a powerful influence of positivity, harmony, happiness and peace in the environment.”
- Maharishi
For this course, we are lucky enough to have two long term members of Purusha to be the course leaders. Graham Woollcombe (who was present in 1982 when Maharishi gave the talks) and Tom Dyball (who not only is Purusha but has been on faculty at MIU). They will continue the beautiful presentation started last year of all the different themes of this course.

Keep in touch
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