Visitor booking test
in the Maharishi Dome
Fri 25 - Sun 27 Oct
from £10
Cost: from £10
Start date: Fri 25 5pm to Sun 27 - 4pm Oct
Length of course: 1 day - 1 Month+
Food: Lunch and Supper can be included
Accommodation options: If needed, Visitors can organise own accommodation - or call us to help

“Amazing weekend – it was above all expectations. I left with a deep sense of peace and joyfulness and commitment to continue my practice. The course leaders were entertaining with valuable experience and information.” – Zoe

Mark Heath
Course Leader
Sarah Bence
Course Leader

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Mauris scelerisque, urna in mollis lobortis, quam metus tristique ex, nec fringilla ipsum felis non sapien. Praesent accumsan a massa sit amet consectetur. Nam cursus, nibh sagittis ullamcorper suscipit, urna tortor condimentum quam.

In order to work out the cost, we need to ask you few questions.
With short 5 min taxi to the Dome (included in fee). Lunch and Supper included.
Walking distance to the Dome. Lunch and Supper included.
Product total
Options total
Grand total
“What a gift... the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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