Maharishi’s Apaurusheya Bhashya: Exploring the Creative Dynamics of Our Own Consciousness
Fri 30 May - Sat 21st June
Start date: Fri 30 May 7pm - Sat 21st June 6pm
Length of course: 3 weeks
Food: Lunch and Supper options
Accommodation options: Local Meditator, hotel or private arrangements
Discounts: To be announced
“These talks by Maharishi contain such beautiful and sublime knowledge about the mechanics of creation, and particularly about the process of the TM-Sidhi programme, that all Sidhas should hear them. Already it has transformed the process of my own programme.”  T. G-J, Exeter
“This course is a deep dive into the structure of consciousness on a granular level….”
Mother Divine
Course Leader
Course Leader

Themes 1, 2 and 3

A rounding course featuring Maharishi’s unique uncreated commentary on Rik Veda. 

Maharishi has explained how the TM-Sidhi Programme enlivens in our own consciousness the creative dynamism that governs the universe. This is the Veda.

In a special series of talks on his Apaurusheya Bhashya, Maharishi draws our attention into the structure of the Veda. And as we put our attention on this structure, it opens to our awareness. This brings more support of nature for the fulfilment of desires.

This rounding course is a precious opportunity to realise the Veda within ourselves, through the extended practice of the TM-Sidhi programme. It will be in three parts:

• Theme one Friday 30 May – Saturday 7 June
• Theme two Saturday 7 June – Saturday 14 June
• Theme three Saturday 14 June – Saturday 21 June

In a rare opportunity for couples, these unique courses designed for single men and ladies, are being held concurrently. This allows couples to take the courses at the same time and dine together. NB Please add details of any extra people attending this course in the Notes box (under Additional information) at checkout.

The courses, led by experienced members of Purusha and Mother Divine, are enriched by online discussion of experiences with a Raj Rajeshwari (ladies) and Dr Bevan Morris (men).


Global Family Chat clip

With short 5 min taxi to the Dome (included in fee).
Walking distance to the Dome.
Please contact the course office in advance if this is your preference
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