Maharishi’s Apaurusheya Bhashya: Exploring the Creative Dynamics of Our Own Consciousness
Themes 1, 2 and 3 - Three separate courses
Fri 30 May - Sat 21st June
Start date: Fri 30 May 7pm - Sat 21st June 6pm
Length of course: 3 weeks. Theme 1: 8 days • Theme 2: 7 days • Theme 3: 7 days
Food: Lunch and Supper options
Accommodation options: Local Meditator, hotel or private arrangements
Discounts: Use discount code: 'couple' - for 5% reduction of course fees for couples (NB Please add details of any extra people you are booking for on this course in the Notes box, under Additional information, at checkout) • Use discount code: 'repeat' - for 5% reduction of course fees for repeats • Use discount code: earlybird5 - for 5% reduction of course fees when applying up to 10 days before start of course • You can use the discounts one after the other if conditions apply. Theme 1 carries a 10% reduction of course fees.
“These talks by Maharishi contain such beautiful and sublime knowledge about the mechanics of creation, and particularly about the process of the TM-Sidhi programme, that all Sidhas should hear them. Already it has transformed the process of my own programme.”  T. G-J, Exeter
“This course is a deep dive into the structure of consciousness on a granular level….”
Mother Divine
Course Leader
Course Leader

Themes 1, 2 and 3

A rounding course featuring Maharishi’s unique uncreated commentary on Rik Veda. 

These courses feature a long rounding programme, enriched with a special series of lectures by Maharishi and eminent scientists. Maharishi brings to light the structure of the Veda as it expresses the laws of nature and the whole universe within our own Transcendental Consciousness.

Through direct experience and intellectual understanding, we become more familiar with the blissful finest mechanics of nature’s functioning, gaining further support of natural law for success in any endeavour.

Theme 1 Friday 30 May – Saturday 7 June
Personal Experience, Vedic Science and Modern Science

How the Veda naturally unfolds as a commentary on itself, and how the laws of nature it expresses are found in our personal experiences of the TM and TM Sidhi Programme, and in modern science.

Theme 2 Saturday 7 June – Saturday 14 June
Discovering Nature’s Infinite Creativity

How Natural Law unfolds within Transcendental Consciousness and creates the whole universe.

Theme 3 Saturday 14 June – Saturday 21 June
All Disciplines in the Light of the Eternal Language of Nature, the Veda

How the Veda is found to be the source of all branches of knowledge and all languages.

Note: Completion of the previous Themes is a prerequisite for taking Themes Two and Three.
Themes 1 & 2 are repeated from last year. Please choose from the booking options depending on which course(s) you would like to attend.

In a rare opportunity for couples, these unique courses designed for single men and ladies, are being held concurrently. This allows couples to take the courses at the same time and dine together. NB Please add details of any extra people attending this course in the Notes box (under Additional information) at checkout.

Your discount codes: 

5% repeat bookings – repeatbook5
5% couples – couples
5% early bird – eb5

The courses, led by experienced members of Purusha and Mother Divine, are enriched by online discussion of experiences with a Raj Rajeshwari (ladies) and Dr Bevan Morris (men).


Global Family Chat clip

Please choose which Theme you would like to do - bearing in mind that they need to be attended sequentially.
Product total
Options total
Grand total
“What a gift... the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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