IEA (Invincible Europe Assembly)
An invitation to enjoy prolonged unboundedness
Fri 8 - Fri 22 Aug
from £475
Cost: from £475
Start date: 8pm Fri 8 - 4pm Fri 22 Aug
Length of course: 2 Weeks
Food: Lunch and Supper options
Accommodation options: Local Meditator, hotel or private arrangements
“Beautiful course. Many hours floating in the Transcendence. Nothing like it on this earth” – C.R.
“A very soft, enjoyable course – sattvic and also of practical benefit to the TM-Sidhi practise” – MM
Luxuriously extended practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme® with insightful understanding from Maharishi and Raja Peter to help guide experiences and establish higher states of consciousness.
The Maharishi Dome has a palpable special quality from 30 years of group flying. The Sidha group in the Dome enhances National coherence and your personal experience.
Please add details of any extra people attending this course in the Notes box at checkout.