Gandharva Concert
in the Maharishi Dome
Concert Sat 12th Apr
from £12
Cost: from £12
Start date: Concert Sat 12 Apr 7:30pm
Length of course: Evening concert

“Gandharva music…sets forth those very natural melodies which match with the process of evolution. It provides a powerful harmonizing influence in the whole atmosphere to balance imbalances in nature.”

“The goal of Gandharva-Veda concerts is the elimination of pollution, elimination of imbalances, elimination of negative tendencies, elimination of crime, quarrels, elimination of imbalance in the physiology, imbalance in the behavior. So, all betterment in every way. Better quality of life, better behavior, better health.” – Maharishi


Sugato Bhaduri, Mandolin Gandharva – one of the most sought after Mandolinists in India today

Gandharva mandolin musician Sugato Bhadri will play in the Dome on Saturday April 12th at 7:30pm.

Gandharva Veda is a part of the Vedas and is called the Upa (subsidiary) Veda of Sama Veda and includes the treatise on music and the performing arts.
The Gandharva Veda is based on melodies called ragas. Each raga has its own structure, combining fixed elements with infinite variations. This allows the musician to express all the subtleties of the vibration prevailing at that particular time of day.

Tickets for the concert will be £12 which can be paid online with button below, or in cash at the door.

• Save by booking all three concerts this year:
If you add all 3 Gandharva concerts to your basket, and use the code ‘3for30’, the total cost will be £30

Please show your email receipt as proof of payment upon arrival.

Guests not practicing Transcendental Meditation are most welcome.

Sugato Bhaduri

The salient feature of his music, speaks of his rare caliber of blending the Gayaki-ang with Tantrakari in an aesthetically rich manner.His crystal clear variegated ekhara taans and rhythmic intricacy is worthy to note. Profound emotionalism, vast intellectual approach towards the raga and sound technique are the basic components of his music.

Deep resonant tone of his instrument, evoking shades of Veena, Rabab, Sarod and Sitar has helped his music to tap the earliest sources of indian Classical Music and bring it forth with a new sound.

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Concert starts at 8pm in the Dome
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“What a gift... the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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