Raja Peter: Yoga Sutras of Patanjal
Raja Peter: Yoga Sutras of Patanjal
Fri 29 Nov - Sun 1st Dec
2 days
Cost: 2 days
Start date: 5pm Fri 29 Nov - 4pm Sun 1st Dec
Length of course: 2 days
Food: Lunch and Supper
Accommodation options: Local Meditator, hotel or private arrangements

“I heard Maharishi call it “God’s course” in his talk today   —    which I think really describes this entire beautiful Yoga Sutras course.”  CB

“The splendour of awareness dawns. So beautiful a description. Thanks you for sharing this knowledge from Maharishi.” RS
Dr Peter Warburton
Course Leader

We look forward to welcoming Raja Peter in person for this rounding course for members and visitors with stimulating meetings on knowledge and experience. Raja Peter will also be bringing us up to date with current events and the big 10,000 groups assembling around the world.

The rounding schedule for meditators in the mornings will be with John Collins, TM teacher and Vedic Science professor at Maharishi International University, USA

This special weekend rounding course will include a focus on Maharishi’s Total Knowledge which Maharishi spent years developing with Raja Peter. In this context Raja Peter will touch upon Maharishi’s insights into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

The course promises to be fascinating, enjoyable and deeply restful with plenty of time for clarification and questions.

The practical wisdom of the Yoga Sutras in Maharishi’s words:

“We do something for ourselves — we make our self more and more awake in itself. And in this performance, we create a ground for all success to everyone everywhere on earth. … And for that the technique we are using is more and more and more enlightenment to our own conscious awareness. Enlightening ourselves, we radiate light. …
“We look to ourselves, and when we look to others, we look upon them as the lively boundaries of our own self, the lively waves of our own selves. That is our performance morning and evening.” – Maharishi, 27 July 1980

Major themes of the course:

• How the Yoga Sutras emerge from the field of Total knowledge, the Veda, Transcendental Consciousness, and the purpose they serve in life

• The vast array of practical wisdom of the functioning of body, senses, mind, intellect and ego contained in the “Eight Limbs of Yoga”, as presented in the Yoga Sutras

• What the Yoga Sutras tell us about the fine details of the functioning of our own consciousness, including the effortless manifestation of desire

• The remarkable connection between the Yoga Sutras and the human brain and physiology, as brought to light by Dr Tony Nader under the guidance of Maharishi, and the practical significance of this discovery

• The amazing potential of this knowledge to transform the whole world – to change the trends of time from an age of ignorance to the Age of Enlightenment,


If you have a course fee discount code, please add this in checkout
With short 5 min taxi to the Dome (included in fee). Lunch and Supper included.
Book your own accommodation, stay with a friend, etc Lunch and Supper included.
Product total
Options total
Grand total
“What a gift... the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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