Dome Membership
and Visitor Options

We are always delighted to welcome those practising Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi programme to the Maharishi Dome.

We have membership options for both Meditators and Sidhas whether you already live here, are about to move here or visit regularly. Passes are also available for occasional visitors.

Occasional visitors

Come along to group meditation/programme held twice daily and regular knowledge meetings. Short-term or single visit passes can be arranged in advance through the course office.

Email or call 01695 51617.

Meditator Members

There are 2 options to choose from:

• Dome Pass Meditator Membership

Ideal for regular local visitors


• Dome Pass: meditate in the Dome twice a day, seven days a week
• Monthly meditator meetings in the Dome
• Zoom link for weekly knowledge meetings
• Fortnightly members’ newsletter

£5 per month

To apply: print off the application form here and return to or email Diane with any enquiries

• Meditator Membership

For those who live in our community or wish to be more fully involved


• Receive a 10% discount on selected courses.
• Dome Pass: meditate in the Dome twice a day, seven days a week.
• Monthly meditator meetings in the Dome
• Zoom link for weekly knowledge meetings
• Fortnightly members’ newsletter.

£10 per month

To find out more please contact the membership secretary, Diane Jedrczak.

“I so enjoy the friendly & inspiring online meetings and I always find myself smiling. They are a delightful Treasure Trove in just an hour; a beautiful & precious opportunity to share in Maharishi’s knowledge and gain valuable insight without leaving home – such a gift!”
– Stephanie Blackwell, N Wales

“When I have been to the Dome I feel relaxed for the rest of my day. The Dome is just a wonderful place to be”
– Sheila Greenall, Skelmersdale

Sidha members

There are 2 options to choose from:

Associate Membership

Associate Membership is ideal for Sidhas not living in the community but who visit the Dome regularly. This membership is also a great way to support the Dome.


• Receive a 10% discount on selected courses.
• Dome Pass: enjoy your TM-Sidhi Programme® in the Maharishi Dome every time you visit.
• Zoom link for weekly knowledge meetings
• Subscription to TM News.
• Fortnightly members’ newsletter

£14 per month or £10 per month for concessions

“I love being an Associate Member of the Dome. I get all the advantages – discount on courses, fortnightly news bulletin, a bi-annual magazine and can join programme whenever I visit. Also I enjoy feeling part of the community and knowing my membership helps support the Dome’s ongoing upkeep and administration.”
– Madeleine Rose, Manchester

“Since learning TM and having deep experiences, I have always wanted to live in Skelmersdale. Associate membership gives me a way of connecting to and supporting the community. I find the weekly knowledge meetings on Zoom very inspiring and value these very much as I don’t have local meetings available and can no longer travel.”
– Charlotte Taylor, Leeds

To apply: print off the application form here and return to or email Diane with any enquiries

Full Sidha Membership

Sidha Membership is for Sidhas living at the Maharishi Dome community or about to move here.


• Special rates on talks, events and most courses.
• Annual Dome Pass so you can meditate in the Dome twice a day, seven days a week.
• Weekly knowledge meetings.
• Fortnightly Members’ newsletter.
• Individual meditation and group checking sessions.

To find out more please contact the membership secretary, Diane Jedrczak.

Whether as a member or visitor, we look forward to welcoming you to the Maharishi Dome!

“What a gift… the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

Keep in touch

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