Advanced Courses

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation enrich and deepen the practice of meditation, enhance the benefits and accelerate personal growth and development of higher states of consciousness. They can be learned non-residentially and are taught by a specially trained advanced techniques teacher.

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation course fees 

The fees are can be paid in full or in four instalments:

£195 School students (13-18 years)
£295: Concessions (on universal credit, state pension only or similar, or full-time students with NUS card or similar)
£395: Income under £25,000:
£525: Income over £25,000
£625: Income over £40,000:
£725: Income over £60,000:
15% discount on couples fees (except £295)

To support Dome admin, an additional charge of £10 is applied per booking

Payment options include bank transfer, cheque, by card over the phone and 4 instalments by standing order.



Please scroll down this page for dates of Advanced Techniques Courses at the Dome in the Course Calendar.
Please contact for bookings and enquiries.

Testimonials for Advanced Techniques

Comments from course participants:

“The technique has made a huge difference to me and I am loving it. It has deepened and broadened my practice….. A wonderful gift!”

“My meditations seem to be growing deeper and more blissful, and I really notice the benefits during the rest of my day. This started when I learned TM – but since the Advanced Techniques the whole thing has accelerated.”

“With each technique, you wonder how it could get any better, but each one makes the practice deeper and stronger. The Advanced Techniques increase the intensity of blissfulness, and I’m transcending more frequently.”

“After learning the first Advanced Technique, I immediately felt a deeper connection within. As I practise each night the experience has deepened and I now find so much more ease and effectiveness in doing TM each day.”


TM-Sidhi Course

For practitioners of Transcendental Meditation. Offered once a year.

The TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, is a series of mental formulae derived by Maharishi from the Vedic tradition. The TM-Sidhi programme is designed to integrate mind, body and environment so effectively that desires in daily life are fulfilled without effort. The inner experience of this heightened integration is one of happiness and bliss, and it accelerates progress towards realising our full potential – the state of Enlightenment..

Group practice of the TM-Sidhi programme creates a powerful influence of harmony and peace that neutralises stress and tension, and promotes positive social trends. So it is a highly effective means to create a harmonious influence in society. It’s a simple, enjoyable and powerful programme for individual enlightenment and world peace.

Note: The TM-Sidhi course is taught in stages over a series of residential weekends, with a final two week residential block.



Please scroll down this page for dates of TM-Sidhi Courses at the Dome in the Course Calendar.
Please contact for bookings and enquiries.

Testimonials for the TM-Sidhi Course

Comments from course participants:

“From the first weekend of the course my meditation practice has deepened and I transcend immediately. I have had truly amazing experiences and my life has changed immeasurably. Awesome!”
Sarah Codman

” This course was powerful beyond expectation. I feel it has fundamentally shifted my perspective in life and my way of thinking. It has been empowering and inspiring!” T.E.

“A big part of my success has been the TM and TM-Sidhi Programme. Each time I am faced with a challenge my TM and TM-Sidhi Programme help me to see more clearly, be more creative and face the world in a more joyful way.” – Andreas Thrasy, founder and CEO of MyHotels group.

“The TM-Sidhi Programme makes the experience of inner silence feel more rock solid in my life. The TM-Sidhi Programme softly, but powerfully, allows bliss to dominate where there might have been fatigue or agitation before. When life gets hectic outside, I really feel more deeply anchored within.”
– Sankari Wegman, mother and health practitioner.



Course Calendar


Weds 19 Mar - Mon 26 May & Fri 25 July - Fri 8 Aug
TM-Sidhi Course Part 1 & 2: Three Weekends and Two Weeks
For those who are really wanting to progress their experiences to a level of higher consciousness
Maharishi Dome & Maharishi Peace Palace
Book here
Weds 7 - Thur 8 May •OR• Sat 10 - Sun 11 May
Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation
Simple techniques that enrich and deepen your experience of Transcendental Meditation  
Book here
Fri 16 - Sun 18 May
TM-Sidhi Refresher Course
For those who are really wanting to progress their experiences to a level of higher consciousness
Book here
Fri 25 Jul - Fri 8 Aug 2025
TM-Sidhi course Part 2
For those who are really wanting to progress their experiences to a level of higher consciousness
The Maharishi Dome, Skelmersdale & Maharishi Peace Palace, Rendlesham, Suffolk
Book here


No, you need to have learnt Transcendental Meditation to attend one of our courses. Please visit here to find out more about learning.

Our National TM website is or if you are in the North you can see the list of local TM teachers here.

Yes you can. Please enter the person’s details who you are booking for on the booking page. We need to see the booking page to be able to give accurate information

Its easier if you book online. If you are experiencing difficulties or are unable to book online please contact us on 01695 51617 between 10 am and 1 pm and we will be happy to help.

Yes, our chefs our happy to accommodate anyone with a food intolerance. Please specify that you need a special diet when you book.

It is recommended that you don’t drive whilst you are on a course. If you have driven here and are staying with one of our local meditator hosts, you will not need to use your car as all our accommodation is within walking distance of the Dome. If you have booked to stay in the hotel, we will arrange taxis to take you to and from the Dome and the hotel whilst you are here.

You can stay with one of our local meditator hosts who will provide you with a comfortable bedroom and breakfast. You can also choose to stay at a local hotel or you can make your own arrangements. If you choose the hotel option, we will take care of the booking and arrange taxis for you during your stay.

Yes you can, just add an extra night when you are booking a course. We need to check that this is possible when booking

“What a gift… the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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