We warmly invite you to come and enjoy the Maharishi Dome Open Day  – Sat 28 Sept

Now only 50 places left between 11.30am & 2pm – BOOK NOW!

Our latest courses at the Maharishi Dome

For those who have learned Transcendental Meditation, we offer a range of courses: residential retreats; day courses; advanced techniques and online webinars.

Residential courses include accommodation, delicious vegetarian meals and time for social relaxation. Attendees return home rested, refreshed and revitalised.

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You can see additional courses by using the navigational tool
Gandharva Concert in the Dome
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Meditators’ online Half Day Course
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Full Day Meditator Retreat
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Meditators’ Weekend Retreat
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Refresher meeting for 1st Advanced Technique of TM (the Night Technique)
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IEA (Invincible Europe Assembly)
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World Peace Assembly
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Meditators’ Weekend Retreat
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Meditators’ Online Half Day Course
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Full Day Meditator Retreat
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TM-Sidhi Course Part 1: Three Weekends
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Meditators’ online Half Day Course
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Full Day Meditator Retreat
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TM-Sidhi course Part 2
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Full Day Meditator Retreat
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Meditators’ online Half Day Course
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IEA (Invincible Europe Assembly)
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Maharishi’s Apaurusheya Bhashya: Exploring the Creative Dynamics of Our Own Consciousness
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TEMPLATE multiple options (meals incl)
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Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation
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“One day relaxing in the Dome
rounding is like a week on a beach.” – Gareth J. Evans
In 1988, the MP for West Lancashire, Kenneth Hind,  inaugurated the Maharishi Dome, Britain’s first custom-built group meditation centre.

Since then, twice every day, between 40 and 150 people have practiced Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes.

Research on the effects of group meditation has shown that large groups create an influence of peace and positivity, both for the individuals and for surrounding communities. Depending on the size of the group, these effects can be local, national, or even global.

Maharishi Dome is one of a number of projects established worldwide to help create World Peace.

In 2000, Maharishi Dome and the supporting community of meditators, including also Maharishi School and Maharishi AyurVeda Health Centre, received the British Urban Regeneration Award (BURA) for a positive contribution to economic regeneration in the area.

The evidence based technique for inner peace and wellness


Builds resilience to stress, reduces anxiety, supports natural sleep


Improves learning and decision making. Clears the mind of clutter.


Improves heart health and mental, social and emotional wellbeing.


It was at work where I noticed the most benefits. Everything just flowed better.
Local Meditator - Gibby
Do it. It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done.
Transcendental Meditation course - James
 As soon as I learned to meditate, I saw a big difference.
Meditator - Ruth
Yeah, I noticed benefits right away.
Local Meditator - Pippa
Really simple, really easy.
Local Meditator - Jane
My favourite thing about TM is, it’s just time for me.
Local Meditator - Jay
Founder of Transcendental Meditation

Water the root to
enjoy the fruit

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought the simple and natural technique of Transcendental Meditation to the World in 1955 and revived the ancient Vedic knowledge as a complete and practical science of life suited to our modern times. The Transcendental Meditation Programme is now the most researched programme for self-development in the world today with over 600 scientific studies (published on over 160 scientific journals) showing benefits for physical and mental health, improvements in social trends, and world peace.

The Maharishi Dome was established following research indicating that when the square root of any population practices Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes together in a group, there is an increase in positive trends in society and a decrease in negative trends, such as crime, accidents and sickness. Both of these programmes are taught and practiced in the Maharishi Dome.

Creating a more positive world: news from writers and researchers.

Articles and videos by experts in meditation, personal health, creativity, the arts, business and technology, education and the environment.


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Upcoming events

For Ringo, “peace and love” has gone way beyond a personal mantra to become a public mission.
David Lynch talks about how meditation boosts his creativity and how he wants to bring it to at-risk groups like the homeless, war vets with PTSD and schools in high stress environments.
A Q&A with David Hughes about Transcendental Meditation and how it can benefit your physical and mental health…
Research found that practice of Transcendental Meditation produced large effect sizes in decreasing burnout and depression symptoms in academic physicians.
Interview With Dr. Tony Nader: Endless Possibilities of TM.
In 1980, Maharishi inspired the establishment of projectsaround the world where people practising the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme could meditate together in groups, so as to maximise the benefits for themselves and for society.
MIU professor Fred Travis, Director of the MIU Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition, demonstrated how a group of meditation experts can enhance the brain functioning of others - a major step forward in understanding how the Maharishi Effect works. - Article by Craig Pearson
Bob Roth has taught meditation to world famous celebrities, schoolchildren and teachers in inner city schools, and war vets suffering from PTSD.
Singer songwriter Donovan talks about how the David Lynch Foundation is fundraising so TM can be offered to NHS frontline workers.
Dr Tony Nader explains what we can find beyond outer values inside our Self.
One of the peculiarities that set Dalio apart from most successful investors is his spiritual side.
Two new documentaries offer intriguing insights on how the Beatles’ 1967 escape to study transcendental meditation shaped the band and India.
James Corden recently completed a four-day Transcendental Meditation course, which teaches you to "settle the body down to a state of restful alertness".
Katy Perry, one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold over 143 million units worldwide, said that she's turned to spirituality to get her through tough times in her life. For the last 15 years, she's practiced transcendental meditation.
“What a gift… the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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